Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring Clean!

Hi all!  Well, as I told you the other day, I know it's spring because DH was burning the Christmas tree and working on yard projects.  I also know it's spring, because I've been doing some spring cleaning of my own!

I have two huge bags of clothes to give to charity and that's just from the minnie's closets.  That doesn't include  the stuff I need to sale or consign.  Anyone know of a good place in Georgia?  Or does anyone have a girl that needs size 2-3t clothes?  I believe I have every season and style -- some designer some not -- and a lot of it hasn't even been worn!!!  That which has been worn is still in perfect condition.  Truly, I have enough to open my own store.  I guess that's what happens when you have two girls two years apart.

Today I'm focusing on the easy cleaning, mainly picking up, as my domestic goddess was here on Tuesday.  If you live in Georgia and need a girl, just let me know!  She really does a great job and I look forward to her visits.  

What spring cleaning projects do you have in store?





  1. I so understand...we had three girls in two years. The closets are crazy!!

  2. I love Once Again Kids (there is one in Suwanee, off Peachtree Industrial and one in Johns Creek). They only carry really great things and have recently changed their policy to pay you when you bring in rather than consigning which is nice! Here is a link: I made a nice little sum for my little man's winter stuff; which, of course, turned right around and went back in his closet. LOL

  3. Whew, I'm always cleaning out a closet or two and I don't even have children! imagine if I did.....Yikes! :-)
    Left a little present for you on today's blog post, please go check it out! XOXO
